I am Murnau Den Linden, a cross-media artist and author on the search for visual ideas and narrative solutions. After a London-based decade working as illustrator, yet have always looked to all media solutions as a kind of release and therapy. Now I live in Madrid and today my work is a kaleidoscope of psychedelic colours and statements created using a mixture of platforms, techniques and materials. Inspired by traditional folklore and mythical tales from all over the world, my work look to the past to create something catchy and exciting with a wide spectrum of interest focused on identity, space and time. Spanish masters, Neo-expressionism period and ancient civilizations shaped me interest for the Arts.
Has my portfolio (a trippy mix of colours, depths and shapes), always been this vibrant? Not always. At the beginning of my career everything was darkish, visceral and intense. Now I keep the darkest feelings alive into my narratives and concerns to be able to create, and choose visual impact for my daily routine like a colourful mantra. Therefore, I look to my portfolio and I see something sincere nut not naΓ―ve, contemporary, that wants to connect with its time.
I am mostly known for my collaborations with leading media companies such as Adidas, Meta, Netflix, Instagram, HuffPost or Time Out and forward looking local companies as National Theatre or Wahaca. During the last decade my work has been exhibited on different occasions in Barcelona, Los Angeles, London, Miami, Madrid or New York and featured in events such as Wynwood, LAMC or Glastonbury.
Among my collaborations as author with Grupo Planeta are the published books 50 Chefs You Must Know To Be a Good Foodie, and Green Life Blue Planet, addressing ecology and social current affairs through gastronomy and climate crisis.